Tilthy Rich Compost
I wrote a post a few years ago about five bicycle-powered composting programs that use our trailers to collect compost. I'd like to highlight another service that was started shortly after I wrote that post.
Tilthy Rich Compost is a bicycle-powered compost service serving downtown Durham, NC since 2013. They receive food scraps from over 160 subscribers once a week and deliver thousands of pounds of food scraps to Brooks Contractor for composting. Subscribers are able to receive finished compost twice a year.
Their mission is to empower Durham to sustainably reduce its waste by diverting food scraps from the landfill to a local composting facility in order to produce healthy, vibrant, living soil for local use. They want to change norms around what is considered waste. Through composting, they expand the meaning of “local food” and recycling. They aim to make composting accessible to everyone, and a common practice in the city of Durham. It is a crucial step toward creating a more sustainable city.
You can learn more about Tilthy Rich at http://tilthyrichcompost.com and their Facebook page.
(Thanks to Kat from Tilthy Rich for the information and photos!)
Categories: Customers